Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm feeling so good today. Tired, but good. It's Eldest's 9th birthday today, and two days ago it was Youngest's 5th. I'm hoping this little babe holds out for a couple more weeks, because we need a bit of a break after all the post-Christmas birthdays, but with all the contractions and "shooting crotch pains" lately, I'm starting to wonder if labor might be closer than I thought.

This birth is so different than my last two UCs. In Louisville, I had a few friends in the neighborhood, and they came to see Middle Boy the next day, but I hadn't talked all that much to them about my birth plans. With Youngest, I hadn't really connected with anyone in Rochester after moving back here just before I got pregnant, so her birth felt very secluded. This time around, I have a whole list of friends who've requested a call when I go into labor, and I have to admit that I'm very much digging the idea of a "labor party".

I'm especially hoping that my dear, dear friend Brittany is able to make it down from Watertown in time. Of course, my history of 2-3 hour hard and fast labors doesn't bode well for my dream of a long, slow labor with friends and their children coming and going as they please.

I think I'll spend tonight bouncing a bit on my birthing ball and drinking RRL tea. Tomorrow I'm going to try finishing up all my labor preparations around the house. Then it will just be a matter of keeping it that way for the next two weeks or so.

37 weeks (taken by Eldest):


JennD said...

*L* I think you're the first woman I know who wishes she had a longer labour :)

Best of luck with it all :) :)

Lady_Indigo said...

Wow, a longer labor...what are you thinking! Silly girl :-) I guess that's what I should expect from the Strongest Pygmy Giant in all the World! Please let me know when this litte one arrives I keep checking in on you everyday.

Take care!

Brittany said...

I really, really want to make it there!!!!